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How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death?

The WordPress White Screen of Death is one of the most frustrating problems that a website owner can face. It is characterized by a blank white screen, with no error message, leaving users completely in the dark about what went wrong. This issue can occur for a variety of reasons, from plugin conflicts to theme issues, or even server configuration problems. In this guide, we’ll walk you through How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death, step by step, and explain how the team at LogicBuffers can help if you are unable to resolve the problem on your own.

What Is the WordPress White Screen of Death?

The WordPress White Screen of Death refers to a situation where your website fails to load and instead displays a completely blank white screen. This error often occurs without any visible error messages or hints, making it difficult to diagnose. Typically, the issue is a result of a critical error that stops WordPress from loading properly.

There are several common causes of this error, such as:

  1. Plugin Conflicts: Two or more plugins may conflict with each other or with WordPress itself.
  2. Theme Issues: Incompatibility or errors in the theme you are using can lead to the White Screen of Death.
  3. Exhausted Memory Limits: Your website may be using more memory than your server allows.
  4. Corrupt Files: Certain WordPress core files, theme files, or plugin files may have become corrupted.
  5. PHP Errors: Errors in your PHP code can prevent WordPress from loading.

Now that we know what the White Screen of Death is and its potential causes, let’s dive into How to Fix the WordPress White Screen of Death.

Step 1: Increase Your Memory Limit

One of the most common reasons for the WordPress White Screen of Death is that your website has exhausted its memory limit. WordPress has a default memory limit, but this can sometimes be too low for certain plugins or themes that require more resources.

How to Increase the Memory Limit

To fix this issue, you can manually increase the memory limit by adding the following line to your wp-config.php file:

define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );

This code will increase your memory limit to 256MB, which is often sufficient to resolve the problem. If this does not fix the issue, it’s possible that another problem is at play.

Step 2: Deactivate All Plugins

If increasing the memory limit doesn’t fix the White Screen of Death, the next step is to check for plugin conflicts. Sometimes, poorly coded or incompatible plugins can cause your site to break, leading to the White Screen of Death.

How to Deactivate Plugins

To deactivate all plugins, you can access your website’s files via FTP or your hosting control panel. Navigate to the wp-content folder and rename the plugins folder to plugins_deactivated. This will deactivate all plugins.

If your site starts working again after doing this, you know that one of the plugins caused the White Screen of Death. You can then rename the folder to plugins and reactivate each plugin one by one to determine which one is causing the issue.

Step 3: Switch to a Default Theme

If deactivating plugins does not fix the White Screen of Death, the issue may lie with your theme. Themes can sometimes be incompatible with the latest version of WordPress or with certain plugins, causing the White Screen of Death.

How to Switch to a Default Theme

You can change your theme by going to your WordPress dashboard (if it’s still accessible). If not, you can switch themes via FTP by navigating to the wp-content/themes folder. Rename your current theme’s folder to something else (e.g., theme_old) and WordPress will automatically revert to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-Three.

If this resolves the issue, the problem lies with your theme. You’ll need to troubleshoot the theme or replace it with one that works properly.

Step 4: Enable Debug Mode

When the WordPress White Screen of Death occurs, it’s often difficult to diagnose the problem because there are no error messages displayed. By enabling debug mode, you can get more information about what is causing the issue.

How to Enable Debug Mode

You can enable debug mode by adding the following lines to your wp-config.php file:

define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );

define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );

define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, false );

Once enabled, this will create a debug log in your wp-content directory, where you can see any errors or warnings that occurred while trying to load your site. This can provide valuable clues on how to fix the White Screen of Death.

Step 5: Restore a Backup

If none of the above solutions work, and you’re still seeing the White Screen of Death, it may be time to restore a backup. If you have a recent backup of your website, restoring it can help you revert to a working state before the issue occurred.

Many hosting providers offer one-click backup restore options. If your host provides this service, restoring a backup is often the quickest way to resolve the problem.

Step 6: Contact LogicBuffers for Expert Assistance

If you’ve followed all the steps above and are still facing the WordPress White Screen of Death, it might be time to reach out for professional help. At LogicBuffers, we specialize in fixing complex WordPress issues, including the White Screen of Death. Whether the problem stems from plugin conflicts, theme issues, or server configurations, our experienced team can diagnose and resolve the issue quickly.

By contacting LogicBuffers, you ensure that your website is in safe hands. Our team will not only fix the current issue but also provide recommendations to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Preventing Future White Screen of Death Issues

Once you’ve successfully fixed the WordPress White Screen of Death, it’s crucial to take preventive measures to avoid facing the issue again. Proactive maintenance and careful website management can save you from the frustration of seeing your website go blank in the future. Here are some detailed best practices to ensure that the White Screen of Death doesn’t reappear:

1. Keep Your Plugins and Themes Updated

One of the primary causes of the White Screen of Death is outdated or poorly maintained plugins and themes. Developers frequently release updates to fix bugs, improve security, and ensure compatibility with newer versions of WordPress. Running outdated software increases the risk of conflicts and security vulnerabilities, which can lead to website malfunctions.

  • Best Practice: Set up automatic updates for core WordPress files, plugins, and themes where possible. Regularly check for any updates manually, especially if you notice changes in website performance.

2. Use a Staging Environment for Testing

Introducing new features, plugins, or themes without proper testing can result in major issues, including the White Screen of Death. Before deploying updates, modifications, and new features to the live site, you can safely test them in a staging environment, which is a copy of your live website. This allows you to catch potential errors and conflicts before they affect your actual visitors.

  • Best Practice: Always test updates, new plugins, and custom code in a staging environment. Many hosting providers offer staging options, or you can use plugins like “WP Staging” to create one.

3. Regularly Monitor Website Performance

Frequent monitoring of your website’s performance can help detect early signs of problems, such as slow page loading times, increasing memory usage, or high server resource consumption. These issues can precede a White Screen of Death, so catching them early allows you to take corrective action before the problem becomes critical.

  • Best Practice: Use website monitoring tools like Google Analytics, GTMetrix, or UptimeRobot to track your site’s speed, performance, and uptime. Address any slowdowns or issues promptly.

4. Optimize WordPress Database

An overloaded or poorly optimized WordPress database can contribute to slow website performance or even trigger a White Screen of Death. Regularly cleaning and optimizing the database ensures your site runs smoothly by removing unnecessary data such as old post revisions, spam comments, or unused tables.

  • Best Practice: Use plugins like WP-Optimize to clean up your database regularly. Set up automated database optimization schedules to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary data.

5. Limit the Number of Plugins

Having too many plugins installed can slow down your site and increase the risk of conflicts between them. Additionally, some plugins may not be compatible with others, causing issues like the White Screen of Death.

  • Best Practice: Deactivate and delete any unused or unnecessary plugins. Focus on using plugins that are well-coded, regularly updated, and from reputable developers. If possible, consolidate functionalities to reduce the total number of plugins.


The WordPress White Screen of Death is a common but frustrating problem that can disrupt your website. Fortunately, by following the steps in this guide, you can often diagnose and fix the issue on your own. However, if you find yourself stuck or need expert assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to the team at LogicBuffers. We’re here to help you resolve any WordPress-related issue and get your website back up and running smoothly.

So, if you’re still facing the WordPress White Screen of Death, contact LogicBuffers for a quick and reliable solution.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the WordPress White Screen of Death?

The WordPress White Screen of Death is an error where your website displays a completely blank white screen with no error message or indication of what went wrong. It can be caused by issues such as plugin conflicts, theme problems, or memory exhaustion.

2. How do I fix the WordPress White Screen of Death?

To fix the White Screen of Death, you can:
1. Increase your memory limit.
2. Deactivate all plugins to rule out conflicts.
3. Switch to a default theme.
4. Enable WordPress debug mode to identify errors.
5. Restore a recent backup if the issue persists.

3. Can the White Screen of Death affect only specific parts of my website?

Yes, the White Screen of Death can affect the entire site or just specific sections, such as the WordPress admin area, depending on what is causing the issue (e.g., plugin or theme conflict).

4. What should I do if I can’t access the admin dashboard due to the White Screen of Death?

If you can’t access the admin dashboard, you can deactivate plugins or switch themes using an FTP client or your hosting provider’s file manager by renaming the plugin or theme folder.

5. Can LogicBuffers help fix the WordPress White Screen of Death?

Yes, LogicBuffers can assist you in fixing the WordPress White Screen of Death. Our expert team can diagnose and resolve the issue quickly, ensuring your website is back online with minimal downtime. Reach out to us if you need assistance.

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